i-Ready Math

  • i-Ready Mathematics is designed to build mathematical understanding through rigorous problem-solving involving hands-on experience and mathematical discussion.  Students must be prepared to think critically and problem solve in order to be prepared to compete in the workforce of tomorrow.  Building multiple strategies and deep understanding of numbers help students develop needed problem-solving skills. 

AMSTI Partnership

  • We are an AMSTI school. Our teachers have received AMSTI and OGAP professional development training from AMSTI Elementary Math Specialists. AMSTI and OGAP tools and practices are integrated into daily instruction to enhance student learning and understanding. 


    What is AMSTI?

    AMSTI is the Alabama Math Science and Technology Initiative. The mission of AMSTI is to provide all students with the knowledge and skills needed for success.

    AMSTI MIssion Statement:  

    The Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative is the Alabama Department of Education’s initiative to improve math and science teaching statewide. Its mission is to support Alabama educators and students in learning STEM through doing STEM.


    What is OGAP?

    OGAP is an On-Going Assessment Project. It is a set of tools and practices used to enhance instruction.

    OGAP Mission Statement

    The Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) is a systematic and intentional formative assessment system in mathematics based upon the mathematics education research on how students learn specific concepts, common errors students make, or pre-conceptions or misconceptions that interfere with students learning new concepts and solving related problems.  OGAP presently has formative assessment systems for additive reasoning, multiplicative reasoning, fractions, and proportionality. 
